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Protective Relay CSC 237A for thermal power plant2024-07-25 14:02:51
Protective Relay CSC 237A for thermal power plant

Made in China Protective Relay CSC 237A for thermal power plant

The use of advanced technology, absolutely first-class service quality, is our constant faith over the years. Production is in strict accordance with national standard, line standard and technical standards. The main technical backbone are retired senior engineer and senior technicians, who has participated in the design, manufacture and installation of Gezhouba, Ertan, Three Gorges and other power plants. We have served hundreds of hydropower stations, thermal power plant overhaul, and technical transformation to provide high quality equipment, construction design, installation, spare parts, and after-sales service.

Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below:

#DF-Protective Relay CSC 237A-DF

shaft rotation sensor CS-1(G-100-02-01)

LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors TDZ-1-05

lvdt 20mm sensor 6000TDG

ptfe pt100 temperature sensor WZPM2-08-040-M18-S

tachometer price WZ-1D-C

sensor lvdt ZDET-700B

Surface Thermocouple TE-305

RTD Temperature Sensor Element WZP2-6520NMF

Analog Linear Displacement Sensor K151.36.06.005

Magnetic Speed Sensors CS-3-M10-L70

pt100 rtd probe thermowell TE-109

pt100 temperature controller WZP2-035

thermocouple k-type TE-210

thermocouple type WRNK2-331

turbine speed sensor bme tcu CS-03

4mm rtd pt100 WZPK2336

lvdt transducer TDZ-1C-44

rpm sensor generator D-065-05-01

lvdt 20mm sensor 10000TDZ-A

industrial electric cartridge heater RJ-14.5-140

Hydroturbine Guide Vane Feedback Sensor SWB-4

thermal contact resistance WZPM2-08-75-M18-S

Magnetic Speed Sensors BI5-M18-AN6X

Platinum-Iridium Wire TE-303

lvdt sensor 181.36.06G01

LVDT TD-1-600

LVDT Position Sensor ZDET-100A

lvdt transducer displacement LVDT-550-6

differential pressure transmitter 9AG-EF45-N1-F1A-200-1750

300mm pt100 TR-301-306

lvdt transducer 400TD

speed sensor symptoms HD-ST-3

non-contact displacement sensor LVDT-900-6

non contact rpm sensor QBJ-CS-2-2S

Gear speed sensor CS-3-M18-L60

linear displacement sensor 10000TDZ-A

Protective Relay CSC 237A

rtd WZPK2-639 NPT1/2

full form of lvdt TDZ-1B-32

LVDT Position Sensors A181.36.06G04

Converter I/U LJB1 5A/10V 0.5

non-contact displacement sensor HL-6-600-15

Magnetic Pick-up Speed Sensor CS-3-L190

thermocouple voltage WRNK2-331T

De-excitation Switch HSBA131324R0500

Locator V18345-1010121001

linear displacement sensor ZDET-1000B

pt100 rtd probe thermowell TE-107

thermal resistance units WZPK2-430NM

Magnetic Speed Sensors DF6101-005-065-01-03-00

Excitation Rectifier Bridge Signal Interface Card UA D215

thermowell TE-207

speed sensor H1512-001

lvdt-sensor TDZ-1E-22

lvdt probe TDZ-1-200

LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors

ceramic thermocouple TC03A2-KY-2B/S13

output shaft speed sensor CS-1(G-100-02-01)

lvdt displacement sensor inductive sensor TDZ-1-200

lvdt probe B151.36.09.04-008

LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors 187.36.06G01

Hall Effect RPM/Speed Sensor 70085-1010-214

lvdt 0-300 ZD-2000TDB

Thermocouple Temperature Measurement WRKK2-221

5000 rpm torque sensor ZS-04-150-3000

220v round shape heater tubular heating element ZJ20.3-540R

lvdt full form ZDET-20B

lvdt transducer 12000TDGN

thermocouple machine WRNK-231TZ M20*1.5

LVDT B151.36.09.14G18

thermocouple pt100 WRNK2-294

tachometer rpm meter D421.51UI

rtd wire WZP2-441-B/A3(Pt100

Protective Relay CSC 237A
