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Dongfang Yoyik (Deyang) Engineering Co., Ltd

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water drum level controller DQS-76 for thermal power plant2024-07-26 18:21:13
water drum level controller DQS-76 for thermal power plant

Made in China water drum level controller DQS-76 for thermal power plant

Is YOYIK for the use of units of the power plant supporting professional models of products. YOYIK main generator accessories, generator sets of accessories. For decades, the company relies on advanced technology, technology, materials and scientific management to improve the stability and reliability of the pump, for hundreds of thermal power plants, hydropower stations, cement plants, coal gangue power plants, metallurgical companies, steel and other overhaul , Technical transformation to provide a reasonable and excellent equipment selection, construction planning, installation commissioning, after-sales service, such as perfect complete service, won the power industry industry wide acclaim.

Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below:

#DF-water drum level controller DQS-76-DF

LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors B151.36.09.14G19

thermocouple voltage TE-111

lvdt transducer ZDET250B

wzp pt100 WZPM2

Gear rpm sensor DF6101-000-065-01-03-00-00

lvdt sensor DET-600A

sensor lvdt ZDET-400B

lvdt probe DET-150A

LVDT Displacement Sensors LVDT-250-6

displacement sensor sany 4000TDGN-15-01-01

ultrasonic liquid level sensor CEL-3591

Rotation Speed Probe CS-3-M18-L60

Shaft Speed Sensors G065-05-01

turbine speed sensors ecu plate G-065-05-01

LVDT Position Sensors TDZ-1E-022

tubular electric heater HY-CYQ-2.4-380/3

tachometer rpm D521.02

lcd gauge tachometer HY-TACH

transmission speed sensor ZS-03 L=65

pt100 element WZP-190

LVDT Displacement Sensors TD-1-300S

electric control cabinet design DJZ-02

temperature sensors WZPK2-630

thermocouple cable WREK2-191

lvdt position sensor B151.36.09.04-014

industrial displacement sensor 3000TDGN

displacement sensor 8000TD-E

lvdt transducer A157.33.01.3

sensor rpm CS-1 G-090-02-01

Hall Effect RPM/Speed Sensor E16521D.3

Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor HTD-200-3

Magnetic Speed Sensors 330103-00-08-10-02-00

sensor rpm 143.35.39

speed meter sensor ZS-04-180-5000

linear displacement transducer HTD-1000-3

Pressure Switch HC0618-24 p=2.4Bar

water drum level controller DQS-76

3 wire thermocouple TE-204

thermocouples extension lead wires  WRNR2-12

Platinum Thermocouple Wire TE-403

lvdt 20mm sensor 5000TDGN-15-01-01

lvdt 20mm sensor TDZ-1E-011

5000 rpm torque sensor CS-3-M10-L120

lvdt displacement sensor TD-1-350

lvdt full form B151.36.09.14G19

Sheathed thermocouple TC03A2-KY-2B/SPG

Resistance Thermometers WRNK-322

rotation sensor G-090-02-01

linear variable displacement transducer

displacement transducer LVDT-400-6

thermal resistance tester WZPK-338

temperature gauge sensor DZ3.1.2.7-1992

pt100 element WZPK2-380B φ8

thermocouple type k  TE-112

lvdt transducer DET350A

speed sensor location ZS-03 L90

dual sensor rtd WZRM2-001

Thermocouple Temperature Measurement TE-404

sensor speed CS-3-M10-L70

sensor lvdt HTD-50-3

Magnetic Speed Sensors HY-ZS3

Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor DET-200A

lvdt linear position sensor DET-25A

vertical Pressure gauge MEX5D62B74

Thermocouple Temperature Measurement WRNK-221

pt100 temperature transmitter WZRK-105 Φ5

thermal resistance tester WZPK2M-201

LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors HTD-250-6

speed sensor DF6101-000-065-01-03-00-00

LVDT Measurement ZDET1000B

angular displacement sensor HL-6-800-15

lvdt sensor 4000TDE

temperature sensors WZPM2-08-035-M18-S

water drum level controller DQS-76
